
M513. 外放特務組. Slow Horses. S3 (Eps. 6)


M513. 外放特務組. Slow Horses. S3 (Eps. 6)2023UK2024/04/13-2024/04/14
有不少好朋友都自動卸載了越管越多的臉書了,但除了忍耐「真的不想要他推薦的推薦」外,還是從其中追蹤或參加的社團中得到書籍、影片或時事的資料。第三季的Slow Horses就是在無意間讀到社團po文而得知,原來早就上檔啦!
這季的故事還是圍繞Jackson LambGary Oldman 飾)為首的雜牌軍,如何在政治角力和陰謀當中,出奇制勝地突破被殲滅/犧牲的重圍。
Slow Horses的秘書Catherine Standish被人綁架,歹徒指名成員之一的River Cartwright得從MI5總部偷取某份文件交換。驚心動魄的秘密救援行動後來被證實只是內政大臣聘請民間公司「Real Tigers」籌畫的突襲演習,目的是要測試MI5的應變能力。
不過長的六集剛剛好把這個陰謀包裝陰謀、動作加上動作的故事說完。簡言之,就是個不甘心屈居副手的Diana TavernerKristin Scott Thomas飾)長期謀劃,一石二鳥地幹掉自大的內政大臣和同是精明女子的上司,最終登上MI5首腦的大位。
極具指標的Gary OldmanKristin Scott Thomas還是精彩出色的靈魂人物。但看著Kristin Scott Thomas時,常會想起第一次看到她時的《The English Patient1996》,和還會為無法圓滿的悲劇愛情而蕩氣迴腸的那個自已。
還是覺得英式警匪偵探片比美國製作的影集有更多深層的娛樂價值,例如其中一幕Slow Horses的電腦高手終於外出,在黑夜鄉間的車裡等著老大頭子下令支援時,車窗搖下開著震耳音響,播放的曲子好聽到一定得上網找出來—
Iron MaidenAlexander the Great
"My son ask for thyself another kingdom
For that which I leave is too small for thee"
Near to the east
In a part of ancient Greece
In an ancient land called Macedonia
Was born a son
To Philip of Macedon
The legend, his name was Alexander
At the age of nineteen
He became the Macedon King
And he swore to free all of Asia Minor
By the Aegean Sea
In 334 B.C
He utterly beat the armies of Persia
Alexander the Great
His name struck fear into hearts of men
Alexander the Great
Became a legend amongst mortal men
King Darius the third
Defeated fled Persia
The Scythians fell by the river Jaxartes
Then Egypt fell
To the Macedon King as well
And he founded the city called Alexandria
By the Tigris river
He met King Darius again
And crushed him again in the battle of Arbela
Entering Babylon
And Susa, treasures he found
Took Persepolis, the capital of Persia
Alexander the Great
His name struck fear into hearts of men
Alexander the Great
Became a God amongst mortal men
A Phrygian King had bound a chariot yoke
And Alexander cut the 'Gordian knot'
And legend said that who untied the knot
He would become the master of Asia
Hellenism he spread far and wide
The Macedonian learned mind
Their culture was a western way of life
He paved the way for Christianity
Marching on, marching on
The battle weary marching side by side
Alexander's army line by line
They wouldn't follow him to India
Tired of the combat, pain and the glory
Alexander the Great
His name struck fear into hearts of men
Alexander the Great
He died of fever in Babylon




